Japan's Evaluation Test for Specified Skills
The purpose of the test is to check a certain level of expertise and skill proficiency to engage in Welding, Painting, Iron work, Machining, Finishing or Electrical equipment assembly regarding “Shipbuilding and Ship machinery Industries” in Japan for those who enter Japan with the status of residence of “Specified Skilled Worker”.
ClassNK implements this test.
Implementation of the evaluation test “Welding” in Philippines
Date: 28 November, 2019
Venue: MK Maritime Training Center, Inc.
MMS Bacoor Bldg., Old NIA Road, Barangay Bayanan, Bacoor City, Cavite, Philippines
Capacity: 20 examinees
Capacity: 20 examinees
It is possible to take evaluation test at the place where the applicant wants by sending our supervisor. Please refer to <Implementation of the evaluation test “Welding” in Japan>
Implementation of the evaluation test “Welding” in Japan
ClassNK carry out evaluation test at the place where the applicant wants to take by sending our supervisor. The applicant has to prepare test site, welding equipment and materials, test assembly. The applicant also has to execute bend test.
Please refer to these links about detail of the test and application.
We will inform this page about the welding skill evaluation test except in Philippines or Japan, other category evaluation test (Painting, Iron work, Machining, Finishing and Electrical equipment assembling) after finishing preparation of the test.
Address and Contact Details
NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAITransportation and Logistics Department
4-7 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8567, Japan
E-Mail: ssw_et@classnk.or.jp